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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Where Have I Been?!?!?!

It’s been well over a week since my last post, and I just…fell off the grid! I’ve some ‘splaining to do!
I began a diet, and working out- I started closely watching what I was putting in my mouth (no carbs, no sugars), and working out 3-4 times a week. I’m on a path of trying to get my (health) life together- I’ve gained far too many “happy marriage” pounds, and had reached my rock bottom. So far, so good. But it’s been a time-suck- being at the gym and concentrating on NOT stuffing my face. The sugar withdrawals have been a ton of fun!
I’ve been reading like crazy- I am a TOTAL bibliophile! When I started my blog, I was reading "Heaven is For Real" by Todd Burpos; I then moved right into "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green; I’m now concurrently reading “Not a Fan”, by Kyle Idleman and “Hungry”, by Allen Zadoff. I love moving from book to book, but this too, is a time-suck.
Work has been crazy!! My work has come to a point where I have never experienced. Immense pressure has left me with little energy to do much more than, well, go to the gym, go home and eat my meager portion, and read while sipping chamomile until I slip into a deep slumber. As lovely as this sounds, this has taught me something else as well- I need to adapt better coping skills. Removing snacking and stress eating right before entering into a stressful time has totally shocked my system, and has left me empty, with nothing left for my hubby and children. L We’ve fought (hard) due to my zombielike affect, and had some productive conversations as a result to help him recognize when I’m going into a stress-meltdown (which appears more like a lobotomy than an actual “meltdown”, but…)… I’m a work in progress!
I Celebrated a Birthday (Yay me!) I have now officially entered INTO my 35th year of life (I’ve just turned 34). I feel really great, overall. Didn’t suffer any of the self-imposed “what am I doing with my life” thoughts that have plagued me from time to time. I have an adoring husband who loves me, and whom I love. I think I look pretty good for a 34 yr old mom of an insane pre-teen . Life is good.
And so, with all of this said, I am back. While I now realize that daily posting may be a tall order, I will definitely focus my discipline on staying connected at least 3 or 4 times a week. I owe it to you. I owe it to me. It feels good.


  1. Busy lady! Keep up the good work. And happy birthday!! xoxo

  2. Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Veronica!! Thank you so much for visiting! :)
