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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Something's Gotta Give- Weight Loss Wednesdays

"I’m sick of battling my weight."

These were the words I said when my older sister picked up the phone this morning. I was about this weight 6 months ago before the wedding, and about 12 lbs lighter on our actual wedding day. Here is my weight story:

So, I lost 50 lbs 4 years ago. At that point, I was about 30 lbs heavier than I am now, and straight up miserable. I was right on the cusp of turning 30 and I was disgusted with who I had become. I had ALWAYS been thin and athletic. Ran track and danced in High School and stayed pretty thin when I entered college, and was about this weight right after the birth of my daughter.

How I gained 50 lbs:

-I stopped working out.

-I took a pressure-filled job.

-I went back to school and picked up the Six Dollar Burger each day I had school for dinner (sometimes with chili and cheese).

-Stress eating.

As a result, I developed high blood pressure in my mid 20s (who does that?), and was on medication to lower it. And I was miserable.

I started losing the 50 in 2009 as the divorce from my ex-husband ensued. I lost the 50 lbs on Jenny Craig with no problem. I was on a mission: I was about 50% on their program and 50% my own food eating according to their methods. Additionally, I was running 3-4 times per week. I looked BETTER than I did in my early 20s. I was able to stay within 5-8 lbs of my goal weight (sometimes under) for about 2.5yrs, and my doctors took me off of my blood pressure meds.

THEN stuff started getting crazy:

-The man I was dating (HUBS) was in what seemed like a non-stop legal battle with his ex.

-I was on a pressure-filled high profile project at work.

-My workouts grew less and less frequent.

-My blood pressure crept back up, to the point of causing heart issues (I know, it’s bad).

-Docs placed me BACK on blood pressure meds, plus a heart-rate slowing heart med.

-Stress Eating.

And so, ladies and gents. Here I am, 17 lbs heavier than I was when I met Hubs. And it’s not helping that he’s such a loving man who finds me attractive no matter what. But, I’M not happy with me at the present time, I’m starting to feel like junk (physically and mentally), and it’s time to get back on the wagon.

This is about where I am now, weight-wise.

T- 17lbs

Let’s go!



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